Pastor’s Corner

Dear Pastor,

Welcome to the Pastors’ Corner – a section of our website devoted to answering the many questions that members of the clergy have about Tres Dias. This section of our website was developed by pastors, for pastors, to give you a better understanding of what Tres Dias is and how you can use it in your ministry.

If you’re like most clergy, you became a pastor to shepherd others in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You want to help others grow in their faith and spread the word of God to make disciples of all men and women, as He commanded.

Tres Dias can help you do that. For thousands who’ve attended, Tres Dias has made a life-altering difference in the quality and depth of their spiritual walk by awakening people to two fundamental truths:  God’s grace is real, and it’s meant to be shared. Through the talks that occur on a weekend, faith comes alive and people are energized to share their faith and serve the Lord. People grow when they attend Tres Dias.

And after three days on the weekend, we send these energized, revitalized lay leaders home to their churches.  They hunger and thirst to know the heart of God, bringing new life to your Bible studies and small groups. As refreshed and recommitted leaders in Christ, they return with a deeper focus on Jesus and loving service to one another. You will have stronger leadership, freeing more time for you as parishioners step up to take more responsibility in new ministries and outreach efforts. The real strength of this ministry is that the laity emerges from the weekends with a new level of spiritual life and freedom in Christ and a greater commitment and passion to serve in their local church. Tres Dias is a powerful tool the Lord has given you to use in His kingdom building. Churches grow when people attend Tres Dias.

Pastors and the laity are called to work together to win hearts for the Lord. People grow. Churches grow. And even Pastors grow when they welcome this ministry into their midst. Please take a look at some of the comments Pastors have made about how Tres Dias impacts their lives and their congregations. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email us.


Dennis Wene, Senior Pastor 

High Bridge United Methodist Church, High Bridge, NJ

“It was he who gave gifts to mankind; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ’s full stature.”   Ephesians 4:11-13